Employee Information


Relationship Counseling – Counseling session between 2 individuals covered under the iTalk services who wish to resolve interpersonal or relationship issues.

Financial Consultation – Phone consultation with a financial advisor on financial matters, such as personal money management, debt management, etc.

Attendee’s Information
If you are filling up this form for a dependent who will attend the session, please provide the dependent’s information instead of providing information about yourself.

Important Counseling Process Reminders Involving Minor Dependents: 

In urgent cases (critical cases) or when the employee/parent wants to have feedback about the counseling session, feedback will be provided after the counseling session within the allotted hour. During this feedback session, the minor dependent may be present with the employee/parent.

To help us schedule the first session, please tell us the following

Office address: G-15, Citynet1, 183 EDSA, Bgy Wack Wack, Mandaluyong City

Important Counseling Process Reminders:

To make the counseling session more effective, we recommend the video call option or face-to-face sessions (if in-person session is part of your organization's scope of service). While verbal cues are very important, non-verbal cues (body language, facial expressions, movements, breathing, etc.) actually make up a big percentage of communication. Using video calls or attending an in-person session will also help lessen distractions since you are more focused and aware of your surroundings.


Your request is important to us! Please note that we will do our best to offer a session based on all your preferences. However, there will be instances when our team will provide options outside your preferences. Please note that offered sessions will be based on the availability of our iTalk professionals

In as much as we would like to accommodate your request, we will consider your request as closed after you declined or after you failed to respond within 24 hours to our 2 offered schedules so that we can accommodate other requesters in queue. Once closed, you will have to sign up again for a new request.

Workplace Outcome Survey

Below is a series of statements that refer to aspects of your work and life experience that may be affected by the personal problems you want to address during the past 30 days. Please read each item carefully and answer as accurately as you can.

Did you work any part of your normal work schedule in the past 30 days?

For the period of the past 30 days, please total the number of hours your personal concern caused you to miss work. Include complete eight-hour days and partial days when you came in late or left early.

The following statements reflect what you may do or feel on the job or at home. Please indicate the degree to which you agree with each of the statements for the past 30 days. Use the 1-5 response key to the right.

Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree Neutral Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree
Personal problems kept me from concentrating on my work
I am often eager to get to the work site to start the day
So far, my life seems to be going very well.
I dread going into work.
On a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 is the worst job performance anyone could have at your job and 10 is the performance of a top worker, how would you rate your overall job performance on the days you worked during the past 30 days?


This iTalk service is available to you as an employee of your company, for free. This service is run by PowerVision EAP Inc., an independent consulting firm providing workplace counseling programs.

SCOPE – You may avail of iTalk service for any personal or work-related concern, based on the scope of iTalk services for your company. iTalk service includes unlimited hotline and chatline support. The iTalk service is not an escalation channel to raise administrative issues such as job assignments or promotions, and iTalk is only a resource to help you cope with the emotional aspects of the concern. Please note that we do not provide certifications or records for any legal, medical, financial, or work-related purposes.

APPOINTMENTS – Confirmed appointments cancelled with less than 24 hours' notice will be counted against the number of session allotment, except in force majeure situations. Late cancellation or failure to attend the session will be tagged as No Show. After 2 consecutive No Shows, your request will be considered cancelled. You are requested to inform your assigned iTalk professional or call our hotline numbers as soon as possible in case you will be late for an appointment.

FEES – iTalk sessions are offered at no direct cost to employees. Your company is paying for this service.

CONFIDENTIALITY – Statistics and trends are reported to your company management without the names and personal details of individual employees. Your iTalk professional and PowerVision EAP will keep all information gained through the iTalk professional/client relationship strictly confidential, except in a situation wherein there may be serious harm to yourself or others. Confidentiality still applies for virtual sessions, and nobody will record the session without the permission from the other person(s).

FEEDBACK / RELEASE OF INFORMATION – Information concerning the use of the iTalk services will not be given to anyone outside PowerVision except as described below and will not be made a part of the personnel record.

HR / Supervisor Referrals or Request to Release Confidential Information. In some cases, your HR personnel or supervisor may refer you to iTalk service. There may also be instances when HR/supervisor will ask for feedback about your existing counseling sessions. These would help them support you in handling personal or work-related problems affecting your performance. In these cases, they may ask for your written permission for PowerVision to give them feedback on your case. No information will be shared without your written permission.

CLIENT’S RESPONSIBILITY – You are responsible for decisions made regarding problems discussed during sessions, and will not hold PowerVision EAP, the iTalk professional or your company liable for the outcome of those decisions.

ANTI-HARASSMENT POLICY – PowerVision is committed to providing you with an environment free from intimidation, humiliation, discrimination, hostility, as well as offensive behavior, when rendering EAP services. By availing yourself of EAP services, you agree that you shall not engage in any behavior towards any personnel of PowerVision that would constitute any forms of harassment or other forms of disrespectful behavior. PowerVision reserves the right to refuse providing the EAP services at any time to a client who demonstrates any forms of harassment towards a PowerVision personnel. PowerVision may report such incidents to the client’s organization or other institutions for appropriate action.

DATA SECURITY – PowerVision takes due effort to guard the security of information stored in its electronic and paper-based files. Note however, that information transmitted through email, SMS or other electronic methods, and sessions conducted through video or call are subject to information security risks associated with such methods.

Data about your case shall be stored for the duration of PowerVision's engagement with your company, or for five (5) years, whichever is shorter. Thereafter, such case records shall be disposed or discarded in a secure manner that would prevent further processing, unauthorized access or disclosure to any other party or the public, or prejudice to the interests of the Data Subjects pursuant to the Data Privacy Law.

RISKS AND LIMITATIONS – Note that there are potential benefits and risks of virtual sessions (e.g. limits to client confidentiality) that differ from in-person sessions. The EAP professional may determine that due to certain circumstances, virtual session is no longer appropriate and that you should resume your sessions in-person. For long-term therapy, psychiatric consultation or other specialized services not covered in iTalk, PowerVision may refer employees to external resources. Cost of the external services will be for the employee’s personal account. Any referral made by PowerVision shall not be understood as part of the iTalk services, thus, PowerVision shall not be liable for any damage that the employee may sustain in availing the external services.

The Statement of Understanding must be acknowledged to proceed with your request. You may call our hotline at 0906-316-7134, 0919-079-7363, or 8584 1856 if you have questions or concerns.